Monday, 23 December 2013

the kelpie at yule..

At winter solstice I went to a familiar spot..the phenomenon that I encounter each year in the ice was there to be photographed again...its also the festive period, so i'm dedicating the image to this annual holiday

Saturday, 14 December 2013

the nightmare

I made this image yesterday, friday the seems so melancholy but I'm drawn to it. The rock under the swirling river reminds me of a nightmare,compelling..

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


I've made another wee book in preparation for my french show in the spring 2014.Ive made a few visits to dunkirk dunes to explore the same themes as my landscape at home. Evidence of memory left in the dunes after all the terrible events that have taken place there. Hearing the name 'Dunkirk' one settles on the events of 1940,however there has been many conflicts over this land during the centuries. I wander thinking on my research and the poetry written by those who survived to leave words for us to experience, but what of those who didn't leave the dunes, are there signs?.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Archaeology Exhibit

The images that once were on this page are now in book form ahead of an exhibition next year in the south of France. Here is a link to take you to it.I will also be giving a talk about the pictures at Stills Gallery on the 3rd of December to a group of Scottish Photographers

Friday, 30 August 2013

due to the legislation initiating works as"orphan" I will not publish any more images until i am sure they can be protected

Monday, 22 April 2013

the trophy